

For Children

Jesus loved the children and nurtured them. His word, His love, and His recognition of their value are imparted through activities, song, and scripture.


Children Church

11:00 - 12:00 PM

Victory Baptist children workers bring worship to the youngsters in an approachable fashion to grow their minds and love for Jesus and the Bible.


Youth Group

Sunday, 10:00 AM
Wednesday, 7:00 PM


The purpose of the youth group is to be an asset to parents.  We desire that our teens bring glory to God through their lives. We also believe that we can have fun doing it!


Night Classes

Wednesday, 7:00 PM


Classes for children ages 3-12. This is an action-packed hour for children. Your children will enjoy games, learn verses, engage in an exciting Bible lesson, and have FUN!




Our amazing nursery staff tends the smallest of our church body so the parents, brothers, and sisters may focus totally on the worship service and classes. The nursery is open for all our services during the week.



For Adults

Victory Baptist Church has a lot of activities for adults to get involved in.  From a small group study in Sunday school to prayer meetings on Wednesday night and various activities throughout the year, the adults strive to have fellowship and grow in the knowledge of the Lord.